The Public Burning Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Public Burning Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Iron Curtain (symbol)

The Iron Curtain is the symbol of insurmountable differences between “the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness”. They are two opposites and there is no way for them to coexist in piece. “An Iron Curtain around the statue of Liberty” doesn’t even allow the other side to have a look at the way their opponents live. The Iron Curtain can often symbolize an inability of the world leaders to work together for the benefit of the world.

The cold war (allegory)

The cold war is an allegory of “the war between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness”. While the Sons of Light fight for goodness, the Sons of Darkness are “violators of the Covenant, defilers of the sanctuary”. It is said that “no survivor shall remain of the Sons of Darkness” which means that this war is going to merciless.

Hysteria (motif)

Reading this novel, one may find that it is impossible to ignore the fact that many characters behave irrationally. The reason of it is “that rolling hysteria”. One of the characters says that the death sentence of the Rosenbergs “is a reflection of our own growing hysteria, fear and insecurity” and it is impossible to deny this truth. The fear for “communist aggression”, “military threat” and other evil deeds drive people crazy, making them forget about compassion.

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