The Problems of Philosophy Characters

The Problems of Philosophy Character List

Bertrand Russell

Russell is an upper-class English philosopher born in 1872. Raised by his grandmother, who valued education, Russell was educated at Cambridge University in the 1890s. Russell developed an interest in logical philosophy and gained celebrity status in the field.

Bishop Berkley

Berkley is the first philosopher who outstandingly brought forward the reasons concerning instantaneous objects of human senses as not obtainable feebly of us.


Hylas is a philosopher who believed in the existence of matter, and he opposed his fellow philosophers who argued that matter does not exist.


Philonous is a paradoxical philosopher who seems to disagree with everything. According to Philonous, common sense tells him that matter does not exist.


God is at the center of philosophers' thinking. Despite differing opinions, all philosophers agree that there is a Supreme Being under whom everything is created.

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