The Physicists Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Physicists Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


FRL. Doktor explains, "Whether the manifestations perceived by the mentally sick are real or not something which psychiatry is not competent to judge. Psychiatry has to concern itself exclusively with states of mind and with the nerves." FRL .Doktor implies that psychiatry is not an absolute remedy for mentally unstable patients. Accordingly, psychiatric remedies have not improved Mobius' condition.


The patients at the sanatorium are all assumed to be insane. Mobius asserts, “ People say I am mad. Everybody. Even you. And my boys too. Because King Solomon appears to me.” (Act 1). Accordingly, it would be impracticable for a sane person to be admitted at the sanatorium. Mobius' insanity is attributed to persistent hallucinations of Solomon which is regarded as abnormal in the context of psychiatry.

Solomon ( Act 2)

FKL doctor remarks, “I am Solomon. I am King Solomon…The mighty trembled at my word. I was a Prince of Peace, a prince of Justice. But my wisdom destroyed the fear of God, and when I no longer feared God my wisdom destroyed my wealth..” Psychoanalytically,King Solomon is Mobius alter ego which he embraces the give the impression of being a madman. His predicament is comparable to that of King Solomon.


Newton asserts, “I write down this theory in the mathematical idiom and obtain several formulae. Then the engineers come along. They don’t care about anything except the formulae…They simply exploit it. They build machines.” Newton explains his role of generating formulas which are utilized by engineers. The formulas are guides which result in the formation of machines. Newton cites the formula to demonstrate how unjust it would be for the inspector to arrest him for inventing formulas.


Mobius confesses, “It’s my misfortune that King Solomon keeps appearing to me and in the realm of science there is nothing more repugnant than a miracle.” Mobius makes this remark after Monika expresses her doubts concerning Mobius’ insanity. Solomon’s miraculous appearance in Mobius’s life is shocking because Mobius is not a religious person; he is a scientist who would not be expected to experience religious miracles. Science intersects with religion in Mobius’ life.

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