The Philadelphia Story


Hepburn, Grant and Stewart perform The Philadelphia Story for the Victory Theater radio program in 1942

The stars of The Philadelphia Story appeared in a one-hour radio adaptation on the premiere episode of the Department of War's special Victory Theater summer series,[34][35][36] airing on July 20, 1942.[37] Lux Radio Theatre produced a second adaptation for its own use on June 14, 1943, starring Robert Taylor, Loretta Young and Robert Young.[10][38] The film was also adapted for two half-hour episodes of The Screen Guild Theater, first with Greer Garson, Henry Fonda and Fred MacMurray (April 5, 1942),[39] and then with Hepburn, Grant and Stewart reprising their film roles (March 17, 1947).[40]

The film was adapted in 1956 as the MGM musical High Society, directed by Charles Walters and starring Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly, Frank Sinatra, Celeste Holm and Louis Armstrong.[11]

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