The Orkneyinga Saga Themes

The Orkneyinga Saga Themes

Nature and its elements

The forces of nature are given early in the story in mythology. Because of where Norway is situated on a map, the elements include snow and frost independently, which is certainly a nod to Norway's winters which are often very snowy and frosty indeed. The wide spectrum of weather experiences in Norway adds to their sublime experience of nature. Clearly, these Norse legends are steeped in attachment to the natural world and to the "gods" beyond it.

Norwegian history and culture

In addition to its mythic and naturalistic elements, these stories also tell the real history of Norway, from the nation's foundation (the story is of the nation's namesake, Nór) all the way through the early Earldom's of Norway, through the mythic battles between Denmark and Norway in olden days, through to disputes between royal lords in the times of Earl Thorfinn and St Magnus. In other words, these stories are clearly intended with mythic historicity, as if to capture the true existential value of each stage of Norway's history.

Honor and the meaning of life

The life that these writings suggest is one of diligence and honor. With elements stacked against one's survival, honor is of the utmost importance. In a culture like early Norway, wisdom is whatever it takes to survive. Between tribal conflicts among early nations and the horrific winters, there is much to be survived. But, by sacrificing for one's community, there is much reward to be gained. The Norwegians are shown to have a conquering spirit, and honor in these stories is something like a well-calculated risk, like choosing the precisely correct moment to launch an invasion, to use Einarr's story as an example.

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