The Lying Life of Adults Irony

The Lying Life of Adults Irony

Giovanna betraying Giuliana

Giovanna and Giuliana are close friends, and readers expect them to be honest with each other. Giuliana is dating Roberto, and one day, she asks Giovanna to accompany her to her boyfriend's house. After the visit, Giovanna starts flirting with Roberto secretly, and they end up having an affair behind Giuliana's back. Giovanna betrays her friend when she goes to sleep with Roberto.

The irony of marriage

Andrea and Nella admit that they love each other and are committed to remaining loyal for the rest of their lives. Ironically, Giovanna discovers that her parents have secretive sexual affairs. For instance, Giovanna's father is dating Mariano's wife. Mariano is Andrea's best friend. In another shocking revelation, Giovanna discovers that her mother is cheating on her husband with Mariano. Therefore, Andrea and Nella live deceptive lives, which contradicts their marriage vows.

The irony of Andrea

Andrea fakes his love for his daughter, Giovanna. Initially, Giovanna believes that her father loves her unconditionally. Ironically, Giovanna overhears her father saying that she is ugly. Starting the day Giovanna realizes that her father is untrustworthy, she starts hating her family because it does not value her. Andrea is expected to give his daughter confidence to appreciate herself and develop self-confidence. However, Andrea does the contrary because he creates animosity between Himself and Giovanna.

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