The Lowland Irony

The Lowland Irony

Irony of Information

In modern times, a vast amount of information has been available to the general public than it ever was before. The novel alludes to this paradigm shift but also recognizes that the unknown or secrets are still a factor in society. The narrative highlights the mysteries and deceptions that rule the world of the characters. The source of conflicts in the novel arises from the secrets kept for the purpose of maintaining the status quo. Moreover, conspiracies are a part of Udayan’s world of political revolution and terrorism. Within the private sphere, the characters keep secrets in the family for personal agendas for instance the fact about Bela’s parentage.

The Irony of Free Will

The novel depicts characters that are stuck in their ways despite their advancing ages and changes in their lives. Gauri is one such character adamant to curve her own future regardless of the negative impact of her actions. Though she believes in the work of the will her life hardly turns out as she envisioned after Udayan dies and she marries Subhash. Her actions offer a glimpse into her mindset that is rather conceptual in nature hence not practical in some cases. With this in mind, it is not surprising that she leaves her daughter behind and moves on to find a different future.

Irony of Brotherhood

Though Subhash and Udayan were closer than ever in their childhood as they grew into themselves their ideologies differed greatly. Udayan is politically inclined and gradually becomes radicalized by joining the Naxalite movement. On the other hand, Subhash embraces academia over revolutionary ideologies, unlike his younger brother.

Irony of Presence

The novel alludes to the theme of presence in absence and vice versa for instance Subhash feels almost absent despite being in the same proximity as his brother. Subhash recognizes this rift developing because of their standpoint on politics. The motif proceeds to resonate after Udayan’s death as the family paradoxically feels his presence more than when he was alive.

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