The Labyrinth of Solitude Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What does Octavio Paz mean when he uses this phrase “A wound that laughs at itself and decks itself out for the hunt?

    Octavio wants to achieve the application of the literary device 'symbol' in his work. The wound is symbolically used to refer to Pachucos’ public bad behavior. Pachuco is not a Native American and his behavior is wanting. He is not mortified of his wrongdoings and most of his deeds contradict the norms of the North Americans. The narrator says that the wound is laughing itself and decks itself out for the hunt implying that despite his bad doings, Pachuco exposes himself not knowing the authorities are after him. Therefore, the author has successfully managed to use the wound as a literary device the symbol to make her work more attractive.

  2. 2

    How does the author use the ‘purity of the sky’ to appeal the sense of sight to the reader?

    The author uses the imagery of sight to aid the reader see how Mexico is unique and unattractive at the same time for the first-time visitors. This picture created in the mind of the reader is important because it lowers his expectations in case he visits Mexico. According to the narrator, Mexico is both attractive and ugly. Therefore, a first time visitor should balance his expectations. He writes:

    "At first sight, the visitor is surprised not only by the purity of the sky and the ugliness of the dispersed and the ostentatious buildings but also by the city's vaguely Mexican atmosphere which cannot be captured in words or concepts"

  3. 3

    How does the theme of division manifest itself in “Solitude” by Octavio Paz?

    Octavio has focused on the culture of the people of North American and the Mexicans. Mexicans are living in America and they are finding it hard to fit into the American society. The natives perceive themselves to be superior in all aspects ranging from religion, way of living, politics, and education among others. The Mexicans find themselves in a fix and decide to live in inferiority. This makes them uninterested in any way of Americanism. The likes of Pacchuco have lived in North America since they were born but there is no single sign that relates them to Americanism. They have decided to believe in their culture and do things differently. The Native Americans on the other are not cultivating peace but instead prioritized division. According to Octavio, the Americans are strictly following the footsteps of their founding fathers but it is ironic that there is the rejection of other races.

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