The Housemaid Imagery

The Housemaid Imagery

The key hole

Imagery of the keyhole, which features prominently on the cover of The Housemaid and plays an important role throughout the novel, shows the secrets that lurk beneath the surface of the Winchester house. After she looks into keyholes, Millie uncovers the truth about what is really happening in the Winchester household after looking through keyholes. And what she sees frightens her.


As imagery of wealth—the Winchester's cars, home, clothes, and jewelry, for instance—becomes more prevalent, Millie starts to uncover the abuse that the Winchesters inflict on each other. And as that imagery becomes more prevalent, more violence ensues.

Andrew's eyes

Andrew's eyes are described in vivid detail. They are brown, but they are also full of pain. They are kind, but they also have secrets behind them. This detailed imagery mirrors Andrew himself: he is enigmatic and exceptionally complex.

Millie's job

The imagery surrounding Millie's job as a maid, including her tools, tasks, and attitudes, is described with immensely detailed language. Her tools are her livelihood; they allow her to continue her lifestyle after leaving prison.

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