The Hero of This Book Imagery

The Hero of This Book Imagery

The description of London’s weather

When the narrator arrives in London, she notices that the city is hot, and she describes the bent rails to paint a picture of severe weather. The narrator says, "Myself, I'd gone to London, where a heat wave had bent train rails and shut down art exhibitions and turned the English into pink, panting mammals. I, pink, mammalian, panted alongside them." The imagery compares humans to panting mammals to paint a picture of extremely hot weather in London.

The uniqueness of the hotel lavatory

The narrator describes her hotel lavatory to paint a picture of lavishness. The narrator says, "The bathroom had a snub-nosed slipper tub and toilet bowl in pale-blue letters baked into the porcelain were the words Thomas Crapper –London, Ltd." The description paints a picture of an excellent bathroom the narrator had not seen before. The narrator exclaims, "Such a World has such toilets in it!"

The drinkers

The narrator depicts the sense of hearing when she overhears the conversation of the drinkers. The narrator says, "I could hear the drinking Londoners on the street: conversation, blunt laughter. Two men moved in front of the window like burly shadow puppets, inches away from me." The imagery is significant because it shows readers that Londoners love leisure. The narrator says there are pubs on both sides of the hotel she is staying in. Several pubs indicate that most people in the city of London are revelers.

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