The Good Terrorist Metaphors and Similes

The Good Terrorist Metaphors and Similes

The imagery of Pat

As Pat walks in to meet Jasper and Alice, the narrator brings out an image of her appearance through a series of vivid descriptions. The writer uses a simile to enhance the descriptions by comparing her glossy and hard appearance to fresh cherries: “She was glossy and hard, like a fresh cherry.”

The appearance of the cell structures drawn by Mary “like honeycombs”

The writer brings out the imagery of the cells drawn by Mary by directly comparing them to honeycombs through the use of a simile. The portrayal of the drawn cell structures as honeycombs enables the reader to develop a visual image of the same.

Alice’s wave of the hand “like the wagging tail of a dog”

The writer uses a simile to bring out how Alice waved her hand to the neighbor after she was locked out of the house. The writer says that the wave of her hand was “rather like the wagging tail of an apologetic dog.” Alice’s disinterest in waving at her neighbor is brought out through the direct comparison.

The pallid greasy look of the men “like bacon fat or undercooked chips”

The imagery of the men and the food they eat is explicitly brought out in this work through their direct comparison to bacon fat. Through this simile, the reader is able to conceptualize the extent of their paleness.

Mrs. Jackson’s slipping down on the chair “like a drunken doll”

The defeated state of Mrs. Jackson is particularly brought out in this work through the use of a simile. The writer says that she was already slipping down on her chair “like a drunken doll” and in this way, her appearance is comprehensible by the readers.

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