The Female Man Themes

The Female Man Themes


People like imagining how the future will look. We have already gotten acquainted with a large number of different scenarios – some of them are terrifying while others are so optimistic that it is difficult to believe in them. We don’t know anything for sure, so that the only thing we can do is to wonder. The Female Man proves that the only possible way to build a better future for everyone is to change the current world order. What is more, this transformation has to undergo peacefully. Provide people realize no one is perfect and respect has to be a fundamental basis of any relationship, we will get a chance for a happy future.

Men vs. Women

The conflict between men and women has been an upcoming problem for a long period of time. It has started even earlier than the famous suffrage movement. Created as equals, we still don’t have equal rights. Of course, some countries have reached more than others in implementation of equality ideas, but there are still many places where women can’t feel safe. Unfortunately, some men and even women see women’s empowering as a threat. They say the problem is nonexistent, that there are more important issues than that. It is true that there are many other issues for us to think about, but we would not be able to fix them until we learn how to respect each other and treat each other equally, regardless this or that person’s sex, religion, age, and skin color.


Jane is a pacifist. She doesn’t want to use any kind of weapon, for she believes that conflicts can be solved peacefully. It is really painful to read about her attempts to explain that idea to other people just to be laughed at later. We – people – are proud of our cognitive abilities; we say that we are true masters of this world because we are smarter than other species. However, our unwillingness to solve conflicts peacefully proves that people are not better than animals. We could be 100 times crueler than any predator.

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