The Family Under the Bridge Literary Elements

The Family Under the Bridge Literary Elements


Children's Fiction

Setting and Context

Paris at Christmastime

Narrator and Point of View

Third person narrator telling the story primarily from Armand's point of view

Tone and Mood

Threatening and despairing regarding the living situation; festive and hopeful at Christmas; optimistic at the end of the novel

Protagonist and Antagonist

The Calcets are the protagonists, that authorities who want to take the children from their mother are the antagonists

Major Conflict

There is conflict between Armand and Madame Calcet when he takes the children to sing in the square and they earn tips as she feels this is begging


At the end of the novel the family and Armand get a home and a job with security


Armand sees two social workers heading towards the Calcets and knows that if they find them they will remove the children from their mother


Madame Calcet states that she is a good mother which is an understatement because she is a devoted mother who will do anything to make sure that her family is kept together.


The children allude to Christmasses they have enjoyed in the past and allude also to Santa Claus and the magic he can make happen


There is a great deal of imagery describing Christmas decorations, for example in chapter seven :"The tree was an unusual gray-green with needles as soft as feathers. Fastened to its graceful branches were little packages tied in red, white and blue papers that looked as if they might have been picked up near the Halle's. On the top of the tree hung a copper star, like the patch the gypsies used for mending pots and pans."


Armand does not like children so his behavior is a paradox as he is generous, caring and fatherly towards them in a way that suggests he actually does like children very much.


There is a parallel between Suzy and Tinka as although they are living very different lives they both see their path to a better and more secure future to be through education.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

The market and the marketplace means the people bustling around within it


The market suggested that Christmas was nearly here, which gives Christmas the power of suggestion and therefore thought

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