The Ecclesiazusae Characters

The Ecclesiazusae Character List


Praxagora is the main character of the play. She assembles the women to dress as men and meet at the Assembly in order that they may convince the government to allow women to rule. She goes on to orate in front of the Assembly, and with the vote of confidence from the women dressed as men, she is able to change the government to be ruled by the women.


Blepyrus is Praxagora's husband. He believes she is having an affair when she returns wearing his cloak and shoes with his staff. When he hears of the Assembly ruling to allow women to rule he quite agrees with all of the statutes they have proposed.


The Chorus consists of a group of women who sneak out of their homes, dressed in their husbands garments in order to disguise themselves at men at the Assembly. They wear fake beards and cheer on Praxagora as she speeks finely to the Assembly in order to convince them to allow the women of the city to rule.


Chremes is a Greek man who returns from the Assembly meeting to tell Blepyrus of a "young man" who spoke well in argument of women taking power in the city.

Citizen / Selfish Man

The Citizen is a man who is determined not to give away any of his wealth as the Assembly has voted for women to be in control and that no private wealth will be had. Yet, he still wants to enjoy the privileges (a celebratory dinner) of the new statutes despite not participating in them.


Epigenes is a young man who is in love with a young woman. He desires to be with her, but an old woman demands he sleep with her first before being with the young girl as it is now a law that he must.

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