The Dong with a Luminous Noise Quotes


"When awful darkness and silence reign / Over the great Gromboolian plain."


The opening lines of the poem foster a sense of melancholy. The description of the darkness which falls over the imaginary land will become a repetitive image. "Gromboolian plain" is suggestive of the nonsense poetry for which the author is famous. Despite being an example of nonsense poetry, however, it does tell a story that makes complete sense. What may be surprising to some readers is that such a whimsical form of verse winds up being dark and melancholic.

"The Dong was happy and gay, / Till he fell in love with a Jumbly Girl."


The reason for this melancholic tone of the poem is that it tells a story of frustrated romance. This quote basically outlines the central conflict driving the narrative. The reference to the object of the Dong's romantic interest—the Jumbly Girl—also intensifies the nonsensical style of the poem. It is easy to extrapolate from this short passage that the rest of the poem will be a narrative about trying to regain his happiness.

"A Nose as strange as a Nose could be! / Of vast proportions and painted red."

The Dong

The nose in the title winds up being significant because of the darkness left over the land. The Dong has fallen in love with a Jumbly Girl. The Jumblies are a seafaring race of people, however, and never stay on land in one place for long. After the Dong has fallen for the Jumbly Girl, they do take to the sea again. This is the key point of the story relative to its odd title. The darkness which has fallen over the land is due to the Dong's heartbroken desire to see his Jumbly Girl again. Despite the wondrous nose that glows, this story does not lead to a happy ending like that awaiting a famous reindeer with a glowing red nose. The Dong is destined to keep searching in vain for the Jumbly Girl.

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