The Death of Woman Wang Glossary

The Death of Woman Wang Glossary


locusts are grasshoppers that feed on any vegetation they can find; while the insects are commonly solitary, if the conditions are right they can form swarms and destroy every bit of vegetation form an area they fly over


a shrine is a place considered as being a holly place; the association comes between the association between a person considered as being holy and a place visited by the holy person

Dissolute couples

a dissolute couple is a couple who is considered as being promiscuous from a sexually point of view


a person who has not financial goods and means to sustain himself so he resorts to begging and moving from one place to another in order to survive


ventriloquism is an ancient art that allows the ventriloquist to talk without moving his mouth and without letting the people near him know he is the one speaking

Winter crops

winter crops are crops that are planted in autumn and harvested the next year in summer or in some cases in spring; the winter crops are generally cereals that can survive the cold of winter

Paying taxes in arrears

the act of paying taxes for a service already offered to the area


food given to animals; dried hay or straw


people who had the job of examining the purity of certain metals in the past

Street peddler

a street peddler is a type of merchant who moved from one city to another to make profit; they were different from the normal merchants in the sense they did not did business in only one city

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