The Cabin at the End of the World Characters

The Cabin at the End of the World Character List


Eric is a doctoral candidate in philosophy, and he is on vacation at the cabin with his partner Andrew and their adopted daughter Wen. Eric is in his early thirties, and he is a thoughtful and introspective person. He is deeply committed to his academic work and spends much time thinking about the nature of reality and the meaning of existence. He is also a caring and protective parent who loves Wen deeply.

Eric grew up in a small town in New England and was always interested in books and ideas. He was a top student in high school, and he went on to study philosophy at a prestigious university. He met Andrew while they were both in graduate school, and they fell in love quickly. They decided to adopt Wen after several failed attempts to conceive a child.

In the novel, Eric is forced to confront his deepest fears and doubts when confronted by the strangers who invade the cabin. He is torn between his desire to protect his family and his belief that violence is never the answer. As the situation grows increasingly desperate, Eric must grapple with questions concerning what it means to be human.


Andrew is Eric's partner, and he is also a doctoral candidate in philosophy. He is in his early thirties, and he is a quiet and reserved person. He is committed to his work and spends most of his free time reading and writing. Andrew is a thoughtful and intelligent person, and he often provides a counterpoint to Eric's more impulsive and emotional nature.

Andrew grew up in a large family in the Midwest and was always fascinated by philosophy and literature. He went to college to study philosophy and met Eric in graduate school. They fell in love quickly, and they have been together ever since.

In the novel, Andrew is initially skeptical of the strangers who invade the cabin. He is reluctant to resort to violence and believes there must be some other way to resolve the situation. However, as the situation grows increasingly dire, Andrew questions his beliefs and principles. He must confront the reality that sometimes, violence may be necessary to protect the people you love.


Wen is a young girl who Eric and Andrew adopted. She is in her early teens, and she is a bright and curious child. Wen loves to read and draw, always asking questions about the world around her. She is also deeply empathetic and caring, and she always tries to help others.

Wen was born in China and abandoned at a very young age. She was placed in an orphanage, where she spent several years before being adopted by Eric and Andrew. Wen is deeply grateful to her fathers for giving her a loving home, and she is fiercely loyal to them.

In the novel, Wen is initially the most vulnerable of the three main characters. She is scared and confused by the strangers who invade the cabin and doesn't understand what is happening. However, as the situation unfolds, Wen proves incredibly brave and resourceful. She can use her intelligence and empathy to understand strangers' motivations, and she can play a key role in resolving the crisis.


Leonard is a middle-aged man who is part of a group of four people that invades the cabin. He is a former soldier who has become convinced that the world is on the brink of a catastrophic event and that he and his group have been chosen to prevent it. Leonard is deeply committed to his mission and willing to use violence if necessary to achieve his goals.

Leonard grew up in a working-class family in the American South. He joined the military straight out of high school and served several tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. After leaving the military, Leonard struggled to adjust to civilian life. He felt like he had lost his sense of purpose and became increasingly isolated and paranoid.

In the novel, Leonard is a complex and conflicted character. On the one hand, he truly believes he is doing the right thing by invading the cabin and trying to convince Eric and his family to join his cause. On the other hand, he is haunted by his past experiences and his feelings of inadequacy. As the situation at the cabin grows more intense, Leonard's resolve is tested, and he must grapple with the consequences of his actions.

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