The Babysitter Imagery

The Babysitter Imagery

“Tuckers’ house”

In the beginning of the story we get a bright image of the house full of life: children, parents hurrying, fuss: …a baby screaming, water running, a television musical That’s My Desire? I’ll Be Around – Mr. Tucker sings. Due to the words denoting processes with sound, despite quite simple narration, the author dip the reader and the babysitter into the home.

“The babysitter”

Her tummy. Under her arms. And her feet. Those are the best places. This visual imagery provides the reader with the image of pretty girl. The babysitter catches a glimpse of Mr. Tucker – these words precede the upper quote, it is the first moment something is going wrong. From that moment the image of young tempting girl chase him every time. The short image is then completed: sweet odor that girls have, the softness of her blouse.


He heaves his weight gently against the machine as the ball bounds off a rubber bumper. …the flippers suddenly coming alive, delicate rapid-fire patterns emerging in the flashing of the lights. One of the details that brings the story closer to reality is that of pinball game. Jack and Mark were wandering around town, not knowing what to do. Mark studied the machine in detail; it seems to come alive in his hands. Later he regards their night adventure to be a kind of game as well. In his thoughts the babysitter comes alive when he touches her like the machine right now. Still, the characters play the pinball game which was incredibly popular in the U.S. beginning with the 1947.

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