Physics: Principles with Applications (7th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-32162-592-7
ISBN 13: 978-0-32162-592-2

Chapter 13 - Temperature and Kinetic Theory - Problems - Page 388: 64


71 grams.

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For boiling to occur , the pressure inside the cooker is the saturated vapor pressure of water at $120^{\circ}$. We find that value in Table 13–3. The mass barely stays in place, so its weight equals the force exerted by the gauge pressure inside the pressure cooker. $$mg=F_{upward}=(P_{inside}-P_{outside})A$$ $$mg=(P_{inside}-P_{outside})\pi r^2$$ $$m=\frac{(P_{inside}-P_{outside})\pi r^2}{g}$$ $$m=\frac{(1.99\times10^{5}Pa-1.01\times10^{5}Pa)\pi (0.0015m)^2}{9.80m/s^2}$$ $$m=0.071kg$$
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