Chemistry: A Molecular Approach (3rd Edition)

Published by Prentice Hall
ISBN 10: 0321809246
ISBN 13: 978-0-32180-924-7

Chapter 17 - Sections 17.1-17.9 - Exercises - Problems by Topic - Page 853: 41


$\Delta G^{\circ}_{rxn}=-2247\,kJ$ The reaction is spontaneous.

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$\Delta G^{\circ}_{rxn}=\Delta H^{\circ}_{rxn}-T\Delta S^{\circ}_{rxn}$ $=-2217\,kJ-[(25+273.15)K](101.1\,J/K)$ $=(-2217\times10^{3}\,J)-(298.15\times101.1\,J)$ $=-2247\times10^{3}\,J=-2247\,kJ$ The reaction is spontaneous because $\Delta G^{\circ}_{rxn}$ is negative.
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