Thinking Mathematically (6th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321867327
ISBN 13: 978-0-32186-732-2

Chapter 10 - Geometry - 10.5 Volume and Surface Area - Exercise Set 10.5 - Page 657: 37


\[\text{9 times}\]

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The volume of the cylinder can be computed by multiplying the square of the radius with the height and finally multiplying the resultant with the value of pie. Compute the volume of the cylinder by using formula \[\begin{align} & \text{Volume of the Cylinder }\left( V \right)=\pi {{r}^{2}}h \\ & =\left( \pi {{\left( \text{3 in} \right)}^{2}}\text{4 in} \right) \\ & =36\pi \text{ i}{{\text{n}}^{3}} \end{align}\] Now, when the radius of the cylinder gets tripled , compute the volume of the cylinder using the equation as shown below: Firstly compute the new radius using the equation as shown below: \[\begin{align} & \text{New radius}=3\times \text{old radius} \\ & =\left( 3\times 3 \right)\text{ in}\text{.} \\ & =9\text{ in}\text{.} \end{align}\] Compute the volume of the cylinder using the equation as shown below: \[\begin{align} & \text{Volume of the Cylinder }\left( V \right)=\pi {{r}^{2}}h \\ & =\left( \pi {{\left( \text{9 in}\text{.} \right)}^{2}}\text{4 in}\text{.} \right) \\ & =324\pi \text{ i}{{\text{n}}^{3}} \end{align}\] Now, compute the number of times greater is the volume of its larger cylinder than the smaller cylinder using the equation as shown below: \[\begin{align} & \text{Number of times}=\frac{\text{Volume of new cylinder}}{\text{Volume of old cylinder}} \\ & =\frac{\text{324 i}{{\text{n}}^{\text{3}}}}{\text{36 i}{{\text{n}}^{\text{3}}}} \\ & =9 \end{align}\] Hence, the larger cylinder is\[\text{9 times}\]greater than the smaller cylinder in its volume.
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