Intermediate Algebra (6th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321785045
ISBN 13: 978-0-32178-504-6

Chapter 8 - Section 8.3 - Solving Equations by Using Quadratic Methods - Exercise Set - Page 503: 72


56 feet

Work Step by Step

area of garden is 6270 $ft^2$ area is side length *side length side length of garden is $\sqrt {6270}$ side length is 79.183 feet The radius of the circle is half of the hypotenuse of a triangle that is inscribed within the square. $79.183/2=39.591$ $39.591^2+39.591^2 = x^2$ $1567.5+1567.5=x^2$ $3135 = x^2$ $\sqrt {3135} = \sqrt {x^2}$ (we only want the positive root since we are talking about distances) $55.99 = x$
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