Intermediate Algebra (12th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321969359
ISBN 13: 978-0-32196-935-4

Chapter 2 - Section 2.5 - Introduction to Relations and Functions - 2.5 Exercises - Page 194: 33


$\text{ a function }\\\text{Domain: all real numbers} \\\text{Range: all real numbers}$

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$\bf{\text{Solution Outline:}}$ To determine if the given graph is a function, use the Vertical Line Test. $\bf{\text{Solution Details:}}$ A vertical line drawn anywhere will only intersect the given graph at only $1$ point. Hence, the given is a function. The domain is the set of all $x$-values, while the range is the set of all $y$-values. Hence, the given set of points has the following characteristics: \begin{array}{l}\require{cancel} \text{ a function }\\\text{Domain: all real numbers} \\\text{Range: all real numbers} .\end{array}
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