Author Cherie Dimaline's VenCo: A Novel was first published on February 7, 2023. VenCo follows a young millennial named Lucky St. James who lives in a small apartment in Toronto with her grandmother, named Stella. One night, Lucky hearts the calls...

Acclaimed author Cherie Dimaline's Hunting by Stars was first published in late 2021. Hunting by Stars is set in a world in chaos. Because of natural disasters and different diseases, much of the human population has been decimated. And as a...

Dear Edward is a novel published by Ann Napolitano in 2020. On May 12, 2010, Afriqiyah Airways Flight 771 crashed as it was flying into Tripoli's airport, just a little over a thousand yards short of the runway. The entire crew and all but one...

The concept of Abaddon's Gate has a rich historical context dating back to ancient myths and religious texts. In various belief systems, Abaddon is described as a bottomless pit or abyss, often associated with destruction and chaos. This imagery...

Caliban's War is the second novel in James S.A. Corey's (the pen name for authors Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck) "The Expanse" series. Caliban's War takes place in three places: Ganymede, Earth, and a spaceship. The story of Ganymede follows a...

In the distant future, humanity has conquered much of the solar system. The Earth, which is ruled by the United Nations, is at odds with a group ruled by the Martian Congressional Republic. That is the set-up for James S.A. Corey's (the pen name...

"Mean Time" is a poem originally published in Carol Ann Duffy's 1993 collection Mean Time. It describes the experiences of a speaker suffering in the aftermath of a breakup. As the speaker wanders the streets on a winter evening, she muses about...

Jennie Livingston's idea for Paris Is Burning began a number of years before the film's 1990 release. As a photography and painting student from Yale, Livingston became involved in news media after college. It was through this role that she...

Esperanza Rising was published in 2000. It is the fictional story of Esperanza Ortega, a privileged girl growing up in Mexico on her family's farm. However, her life is shattered when her father is murdered. Esperanza must leave behind her family’...

The Giver combines themes of young adult fiction, such as that of the protagonist Jonas's coming of age, with themes taken from dystopian novels such as George Orwell's 1984 or in particular Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, which deals with a...

Kafka wrote The Metamorphosis in 1912, the year he felt his creativity finally taking a definite form. It was one of fairly few works Kafka was to publish in his lifetime. In 1913 he turned down an offer to publish the story, possibly because he...

According to scholar Robert Elsie, a common feature across Kadaré's work is the depiction of "a remote and haunted Albania as seen through the eyes of the innocent or incomprehending foreigner" (585). Broken April, Kadaré's twelfth novel, is no...

The Empty Grave is the fifth, final, and most recent entry in British author Jonathan Stroud's "Lockwood and Co." series. Published in 2017, Stroud's novel is set four months after the events of The Creeping Shadow, the previous novel in Stroud's...

"Lockwood and Co." is one of the most successful young adult novel series of all time. The Creeping Shadow, the fourth entry in that series which was published in September 2016, once again follows the namesake Lockwood and Co., a group of young...

The Hollow Boy, published in 2016, is the third of a total of five books in Jonathan Stroud's "Lockwood and Co." series. As with previous novels in the series, The Hollow Boy follows the namesake Lockwood and Co., a group of young people who work...