Stone Blind Summary

Stone Blind Summary

The Stone Blind novel by Hynes introduces the only mortal member, Medusa, in the family of gods. Medusa is the story's protagonist, a sympathetic innocent girl exhibiting human traits in a family of gods. The Gorgon family discovers that Medusa is mortal, but they can do nothing about it. Medusa lives with her family, sisters, and brothers. Medusa's sisters have mammoth wings, tusks, claws, and snakes on their heads, which act as hairs.

Medusa is a pretty girl, and her presence attracts the attention of the male Greek gods, who are famous for raping female mortals for fun. When Poseidon (a powerful male Greek god) finds Medusa, he rapes her repeatedly. Confounded by the incident, Medusa runs home to hide in the family caves. Since the rape incident occurs in the temple, the temple's goddess gets irritated and decides to punish Medusa by turning her into a monster. However, unlike her sisters, Medusa is converted into a deadly monster whose eyes instantly kill anything exposed to her.

The Stone Blind novel is full of fantasy because all the characters turn out to be immortal with immense powers of destruction. However, most of these characters, in one way or another other, have human-like traits, but their powers are beyond imagination. The other characters introduced in the narrative include Zeus, Hera, and Athene. Zeus is a powerful god in the sea. Here is a powerful goddess that cannot tolerate any female creature that sleeps with her husband, Zeus. Athene is the goddess of wisdom, and she is the one who punishes Medusa after Poseidon rapes her.

Hynes's novel Stone Blind is expansive but exciting to read. The novel keeps the reader alert and enthusiastic to continue reading from one page to the other. The novel is a multilayered cloth, with moving characters that fascinate the reading experience

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