Spring Moon Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does the issue of cultural norms emerge in the book ‘Spring Moon’?

    Bao Lord explores the cultural traditions among the Chinese people. Spring Moon is a young girl born in an upper-class Chinese family that strictly observes traditional customs. At an early age, Spring is taught how to execute feminine responsibilities. Additionally, the author shows the reader how the ancient Chinese parents arranged marriage for their children. Her parents arrange the marriage between Spring and Pan Tai Tai. However, due to the Chinese Revolution, the wedding for Spring is rearranged, and she is married to Glad.

  2. 2

    What is the role of the Chinese Revolution in Spring’s life?

    Spring is introduced to the reader as a privileged girl born in a wealthy family. Everything in this family is executed as planned, but when the Revolution strikes, the family is reorganized, and many things take a drastic turn. Before the Revolution, Spring did not know that poor people exist in this world, and she believed that everyone observes Chinese customs. However, the Chinese Revolution overturned her arranged marriage to Tai, and she was instead married to Glad, who took her on a voyage to Peking. The couple visited different destinations, and Spring realized that there are people of the lower classes. Similarly, she realized that different people practiced different cultures.

  3. 3

    How does the issue of identity crisis emerge in the book ‘Spring Moon’?

    After Spring is married to Glad, the couple leaves India and stays away for some time. Before Spring leaves India, people strictly observe culture and customs. However, while Spring is out, there is the introduction of Christianity and communism, which play a significant role in altering the Chinese traditions. Similarly, the changing political landscape is playing an essential role in disrupting the traditional order. When Springs returns home, she faces an identity crisis because things have changed, and everything has shifted to modernity.

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