
Film and TV adaptations

  • 1953 film Shane, starring Alan Ladd, Jean Arthur and directed by George Stevens.[3][14][15]
  • 1966 television series Shane, starring David Carradine and directed by Herschel Daugherty and Gary Nelson.
  • The 1985 Clint Eastwood film Pale Rider borrows heavily from the plot of Shane.[3][16]
  • The 1987 post-apocalyptic movie, Steel Dawn, closely follows the plot of the Shane, according to Walter Goodman of The New York Times.[17]
  • The 2017 Marvel superhero film Logan drew substantial thematic influence from Shane, and formally acknowledged it with a series of specific dialog references and clips from the 1953 film. As the film ends, Shane's farewell words to Joey are recited, verbatim, at the title character's grave.[18]

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