Sea In Winter Characters

Sea In Winter Character List

Maisie Cannon

Maisie is the story's protagonist, aged 12 years. Maisie started attending dancing classes at the age of 4 and developed a strong passion for becoming the best dancer in the world. The author depicts Maisie as an ambitious and determined young girl who does not want to stop at anything until she achieves her dreams. Unfortunately, Maisie suffers a knee injury that makes her fall into depression and trauma for many months.

Maisie's parents do everything possible to ensure Maisie recovers and resumes her dancing classes. For example, the parents ensure Maisie attends her therapy sessions. In addition, Maisie accompanies her parents on road trips to activate her mood. Despite the trauma, Maisie hopes to recover and participate in the summer dancing competition in Washington.

Maisie’s mother

Maisie's mother is a loving and caring woman who supports her daughter throughout her painful period. Maisie's mother reminds her that the best way to heal is accepting her situation. Maisie's first husband died, but she late remarried Jack. Maisie's mother and Jack work closely to ensure Maisie recovers.

Jack Leith

Jack Leith is Maisie's stepfather, hailing from the Lower Elwah Tribe. The author describes Jack as a lovely and supportive person. Jack loves Maisie, even if she is not his biological daughter. Jack loves telling Maisie stories of encouragement to ensure she recovers from her trauma.


Connor is Maisie's younger brother who is intelligent, calm and focused in whatever he does. When Connor discovers that his sister, Maisie, is getting disconnected from the family due to her pain, he decides to spend most of his time with her to hasten her recovery.


Eva is Maisie's best friend. Eva is concerned about Maisie's recovery, and always pays her visits to follow up on her health situation. Eva is optimistic that Maisie will recover and enroll for the summer dancing competition that will be held in Washington.


Hattie is the best dancer in the studio and a close friend to Hattie and Maisie. Hattie is hurt when she realizes Maisie is not responding to her messages. Hattie is concerned about Maisie's knee injury, and she often sends her texts of quick recovery, but Maisie never responds.

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