Ruth Forman: Poetry Poem Text

Ruth Forman: Poetry Poem Text

Stand (Excerpt)

why so afraid to stand up?
someone will tell you
sit down?

but here is the truth
someone will always tell you
sit down

Poetry Should Ride the Bus (Excerpt)

poetry should hopscotch in a polka dot dress

wheel cartwheels

n hold your hand

when you walk past the yellow crack house

poetry should wear bright red lipstick

n practice kisses in the mirror

for all the fine young men with fades

shootin craps around the corner

poetry should dress in fine plum linen suits

n not be so educated that it don't stop in

every now n then to sit on the porch

and talk about the comins and goins of the world

poetry should ride the bus

in a fat woman's Safeway bag

between the greens n chicken wings

to be served with tuesday's dinner

Prayers like shoes (Excerpt)

I wear prayers like shoes

pull em on quiet each morning
take me through the uncertain day

don’t know
what might knock me off course

sit up in bed
pull on the right
then the left
before shower before teeth

my mama’s gift
to walk me through this life

These hips (Excerpt)

these hips ripe plums
don’t believe

these midnight moons
made a sugar’s juice
know how to curve a line
make a knife shiver
in anticipation

these hips ripe plums
don’t believe
run yr hand long this

The Air Above Our Tongues (Excerpt)

We do not speak. afraid
of what might happen to us

the air above our tongues
prays for us to speak. afraid

- Ruth Forman

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