Rouge Literary Elements

Rouge Literary Elements


Historical fiction

Setting and Context

Set in La Jolla, Southern California

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

The tone is candid, and the mood is reflective.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The main character is Mirabelle, and the antagonist is Noelle.

Major Conflict

The major conflict is between Mirabelle and her obsession with skincare and beauty.


The climax comes when Mirabelle finally comes to La Jolla, Southern California, to confront her disconnect with her deceased mother.


Noelle's death foreshadows Mirabelle's reality with her skincare obsession.


Rogue is understated when the narrator says it offers otherworldly spa treatments because, in reality, it pursues the "Self Magnificent Self" of clients.




Mirabelle's description of a man resembling a Hollywood monarch depicts a sense of sight.


The main paradox is that Mirabelle and her mother are obsessed with beauty, but they are physically disconnected.


There is a parallelism between Mirabelle's statement about her desire for skin care and her mother's decision to co-own the Rogue Spa.

Metonymy and Synecdoche



Rouge Spa is personified when the narrator says it attracts clients even without their consent

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