Return to Sender Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Return to Sender Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Caged Birds

The caged birds, symbolizing the trapped and oppressed lives of the characters, appear throughout the story. They represent the struggles and restrictions faced by both the immigrant characters and the farm workers.

The Quilt

The quilt symbolizes unity and cultural heritage. It is a collective effort that brings together characters from different backgrounds, representing their shared experiences, traditions, and the strength of their community.

The Harvest

The harvest symbolizes the fruits of labor, the cycles of life, and the interconnectedness of the characters' lives. It signifies the rewards that come from hard work, determination, and the support of a community.


Throughout the novel, various characters embark on physical and metaphorical journeys. Whether it's the journey of the Mexican farmworkers to the United States, Tyler's journey to understand his family's history, or Mari's journey to find her place in a new country, the motif of journeys symbolizes growth, self-discovery, and the pursuit of a better life.

Letters and Correspondence

The motif of letters and correspondence runs throughout the story. The exchange of letters between characters represents a form of connection, understanding, and the expression of emotions. It serves as a means of communication, revealing the characters' hopes, fears, and desires.

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