RBG Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

RBG Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

This documentary explores the legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who is a symbol in her own right. She ultimately represents the fight for legal equality between the sexes and is seen as a symbol of progressive change and a feminist icon.

The Constitution

The constitution represents the basis of American law and is referred to often in the documentary. The constitution was also often the basis for Ginsburg's court cases, in which she argued that sex-based discrimination goes against the constitution.

Ruth's perseverance

Ruth's perseverance and courage is a key motif in the documentary. Throughout her legal career, Ruth faced discrimination and setbacks but never allowed herself to be discouraged from her aims. She is presented as an inspirational woman who fought for what she believed in despite facing intense opposition.

Ginsburg's glasses

Ginsburg's large round glasses are a key aspect of her "look," and are often used in sketches and parodies as they are something instantly recognizable.


At the beginning of the documentary, some of the less favorable views of Ginsburg are explored. She is labeled with insults such as "witch" and "zombie," which are ultimately presented as being a reaction to the threat she posed to the status quo.

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