Queen's Gambit Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Queen's Gambit Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The symbolism of chauvinism

The doll gifted to Beth by Mr. Ganz symbolizes chauvinism. Mr. Ganz knows that the best gift for Beth is a chessboard, but he decides to award a doll because she is a girl. Most girls prefer dolls because it prepares them for the motherly roles that await them. The doll constantly reminds Beth that she is a girl and that childbearing will become her role when she matures.

Child exploitation

The main symbol of child exploitation in the novel is tranquilizers. The child facility uses tranquilizers on newly adopted children to ensure they sleep. Unfortunately, the tranquilizers are used in excess dosage, resulting in addiction. For instance, Beth is addicted to tranquilizers because she cannot do anything without swallowing the pills. Whenever Beth participates in chess competitions in school, she must use tranquilizers. Beth represents the hundreds of children in the facility suffering in silence.

The symbolism of officialdom

The woman who takes Beth to the Methuen House holds a clipboard that symbolizes official procedure. The woman takes Beth to the children's home after her mother dies in a road accident. The clipboard contains rules the woman must follow when taking a child to a children's home.

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