Prague Winter Themes

Prague Winter Themes


Hitler uses propaganda to persuade his people and the world that the German people in Czechoslovakia are being mistreated by the government. He does this in order to invade the country without seeming like a threat. Hitler is charismatic and uses this to persuade people that he only wants what is best for the German people wherever they are in the world. Many leaders are taken in by this and let Hitler overstep without taking steps to stop him until it is too late. Hitler uses propaganda and fake news reports in an attempt to turn the world against the Czechoslovakian government and to get backing for his movement.


Madeleine Albright began the memoir and the research to learn more about her family history. It is important to know one’s ancestry. After learning that her family was Jewish before immigrating from Czechoslovakia, Albright strives to learn about her ancestry and what drove them to convert to Roman Catholicism and leave their home country. Her family fled Czechoslovakia during World War II when Hitler was invading the countries of Europe. They lived in London during the war where her father helped the disenfranchised Czechoslovakian government living in London. Helping in this way, meant helping those they loved in Czechoslovakia in some way.


Religion plays a major part in Albright’s memoir. She begins to delve into her personal history when she discovers that her family was Jewish when they were living in Czechoslovakia and changed their religion once they had been living in London for many months. She does not know what made them make the change and can only speculate. Learning that she comes from Jewish roots, Albright sees the terrors of World War II in a new light. She did not know that she had family who died in the concentration camps. Her parents did not talk about their past so she has to guess at what they went through and their motives to change religions.

Cultural Diversity

Cultural diversity is a backdrop to many clashes throughout history. People identify with their cultural heritage and do not like when people question their beliefs or traditions. When many different cultural identities live in the same area, there will be feelings of encroachment. Differences in cultures and viewpoints can lead to disagreements. If a certain culture is in the minority, they can be pressed by the majority to alter their cultural beliefs. This can lead to resentment.


Albright’s family immigrated from Czechoslovakia to England and then to the United States. During this immigration, part of her family history was lost. Her parents changed their religion and did not tell their young family of the conversion. This leads to Albright not finding out that her family had been Jewish until she was being confirmed as Secretary of State. Immigration also played a part in World War II. Jewish people were encouraged by the Nazis to leave their homes in German occupied land. They had to leave their wealth and belongings behind. Immigration is difficult when you choose to do so, but when you have no other choice, it leaves one feeling uprooted with no land to call home.

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