Portnoy's Complaint Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Philip Roth describes Alex’s mother as an incomparable woman. How does this appeal the sense of touch to the readers?

    Philip Roth explains that Alex’s mother is energetic and her strength cannot be compared with anybody. She is a dedicated mother who is ready to accomplish anything for the sake of her child. Alex does not doubt his mother’s dedication towards him. He feels that his mother is everything to him and the personal touch between them is very strong. The reader can evidently see this imagery of energy, which evokes the sense of touch. Alex’s mother is the best cook because her cakes taste like banana and the little Alex is fond of them.

  2. 2

    How does the irony of religion manifest itself in the Portnoy's Complaint by Philip Roth?

    Alexander Portnoy is held hostage by religion. This is ironic because religion should be the channel anybody uses to get out of captivity and any trouble. Alexander has not developed own religious believes based on the true doctrines. Instead, he believes what other people tell him a fact that does not help him to discover the truth. Due to following other people's religious advice, he has found himself in a religious heritage cage. He feels imprisoned by what he believes to be right.

  3. 3

    Explain how Philip Roth uses children as an allegory in his literary work.

    The author uses children as an allegory to represent a better future. Many parents can do anything possible to secure a better future for their children. Alex's mother is a true illustration of a concerned parent. She is doing everything possible to ensure her son gets the best in the future. Jack is also a good example of a committed parent. Despite his imprisonment, he ensures his son achieves his dreams. The parents as well believe that once their children secure a better future, they would take care of them at an old age.

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