Popol Vuh Characters

Popol Vuh Character List

Heart of Sky, the Framer, the Shaper, Sovereign, and Quetzal Serpent

These are the creator dieties. They predate the creation of the world, as old as the sky itself. Together, along with Xpiyacoc and Xmucane, they create the world, the animals, and the people -- all life on Earth. Heart of Sky acts as their leader, offering insight as to where they should draw the lines of geography and ecology. As for people, the gods have a difficult time creating them. Some of them have personality conflicts which lead them to disagree about how to make men, but aside from this the creation of people is just a challenging process. After they create the first four men, they also create wives for them. Afterwards, the creator deities sit back and admire the adoration and creativity of their most prized creations -- the people.

Xpiyacoc and Xmucane

These creator deities are also called He Who Has Begotten Sons and She Who Has Borne Children. They participate in all the deeds of the other creator deities, being equally ancient and powerful, but they also give birth to children -- One Hunahpu and Seven Hunahpu. This earns these two a distinction not known among the other gods. They have more investment in their creation.

Balam Qiutze, Balam Acab, Mahucutah, and Iqui Balam

These are the first four men created by the gods. They are most pure and loyal to their creators, compared to all other men, possessing such an immediate relationship to their creators. After they are joined by their wives, these men go on to form their own tribe and nation, being the gods favorite people.

Lady Blood

She is a young woman of noble birth who lives in Xibalba. She hears the legends about One Hunahpu and Seven Hunahpu being torched and killed in their quest for the underworld. Curious, she finds One Hunahpu's head and impregnates herself with his saliva. She gives birth to Hunahpuand Xbalanque, two men who go on to restore balance to the world.

Hunahpu and Xbalanque

These are Lady Blood and One Hunahpu's sons. They are brave and impetuous young men. Heart of Sky becomes their protector deity when they kill Seven Macaw and his progeny for blaspheming the sky. As a result of their devotion to Heart of Sky, the boys are granted immense power which they eventually use to create the celestial bodies.

Tohil, Auilix, and Hacavitz

These are "new" gods found at Tulan Zuyva. They are further manifestations of the creator deities who continue to prefer the descendants of the first four men. Pleased with the men, they allow the nation to engage in war and conquer many lands.

Co Caib, Co Cavib, Co Acul, and Co Acutec

These are the sons of the first four men. They retain the favor of the creator deities and become harbingers of the expansion of their people throughout many lands. In Cumarcah, they establish an empire where they become lords and establish the Quiché people.

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