Poop Fountain!: The Qwikpick Papers Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does Tom Angleberger develop the theme of solidarity?

    The three main characters in the novel, Lyle, Dave, and Marilla are team workers who support each other in whatever they do. Angleberger illustrates how these three friends create a successful group they use to access every place they explore. When Lyle struggles to come up with a new name for the group, Dave comes in handy and gives the name Qwikpick Adventures Society.” To ensure the group works according to plan, each member has a specific role. For instance, Dave draws maps and stuffs the groups will undertake. Marilla's role is to look for new adventurers' places to visit, and Lyle's role is to organize the group's meetings. Interestingly, the Qwikpick Adventures Society” excels in every activity it undertakes because of teamwork.

  2. 2

    What is the main paradox in the book?

    The primary paradox of the book is that Lyle and his friends know that going to the sewer without their parent's permission is a great mistake. Ironically, Lyle and his team intentionally take the risk and convince themselves they will not be caught. After returning from the adventure, they feel guilt and tell their parents about the forbidden trip. The reader finds it ironic that the three children intentionally disobey their parents and later confess their mistakes.

  3. 3

    What does the smuggled ring symbolize?

    The smuggled ring symbolizes the crazy wild adventures of Lyle and his friends. Throughout the book, readers realize that Lyle, Dave, and Marilla are adventurers and experimental children who break the rules to achieve whatever they want. When Lyle and his friends spot a beautiful ring, they smuggle it to see what it is made of and its value.

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