Outlander Characters

Outlander Character List


Claire, who uses a number of last names, including Beauchamp, Randall, Fraser, and Grey, is the main character and protagonist of Outlander and the subsequent books of the series. Originally from the 20th century, Claire is a kind and compassionate combat nurse who travels back in time to the mid-18th century. There, she falls for a man called Jamie Fraser even though she is married to a man called Frank Randall in the 20th century.

An amateur botanist and gifted nurse, Claire was raised by her intellectual uncle to be curious and fierce, as well as incredibly independent.

James Fraser

A key supporting character in Outlander and the subsequent books of the series, James Fraser is a man of tremendous intellect, education, and principal. Born in the 18th century in Scotland, Fraser is a good-looking redhead with an intriguing and complicated past. He is also interested romantically in Claire, whom he trusts often.

Frank Randall

Frank Randall is Claire's 20th century husband. A highly intelligent and worldly history professor who has a deep and abiding passion for genealogy, Frank worked for Britain's MI6 during World War II as an intelligence agent.

Jonathan Randall

The main antagonist of the book, Jonathan Randall is an 18th-century British army officer. He is also the descendant of Frank Randall, Claire's husband. Called "Black Jack" Randall because of the color of his soul, Jonathan is a sadistic man who is sexually obsessed with James.

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