Out of the Easy Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the significance of the novel’s title?

    The novel’s title references the popular nickname given to the city of New Orleans--The Big Easy--where most of the events within the novel happen. It is also a reference to how the novel’s heroine endeavors to leave not just the city but also her reputation as the daughter of a prostitute.

  2. 2

    What does prostitution symbolize in the novel?

    The symbolic meaning of prostitution varies greatly based largely on the character whose outlook is being obtained. Prostitution, at least in as much as Madam Willie and Josie’s mother are concerned, is nothing but business--just another means of putting food on the table. For Josie, however, it is the symbol of total failure and indicative of an utter lack of moral fiber.

  3. 3

    How is the theme of fate discussed in the novel?

    Josie refuses to accept that a person’s fate is a static condition. She works hard to support herself and knows that a good education can change the course of her life for the better. She understands that it is the choices that a person makes, not fate, that determines their quality of life.

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