Nick and Charlie Literary Elements

Nick and Charlie Literary Elements


Contemporary fiction, Young adult

Setting and Context

The story is set in United Kingdom in 2015

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative.

Tone and Mood

Upbeat, joyful, and romantic.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonists of the story are Nick and Charlie.

Major Conflict

Nick and Charlie love each other, but Nick is leaving town for further studies. Because they have always been together, they believe distance will end their relationship, and this causes Charlie to break up with Nick.


Charlie and Nick stop talking to each other for two weeks after their break up. Eventually, Charlie realizes his mistake and apologizes to Nick.


The decision by Nick to attend university foreshadows the beginning of the misunderstandings between Nick and Charlie.


Nick thinks that Charlie's absence will eventually weaken their bond, but his friends help him realizes his true feelings for Charlie.


Charlie alludes to his distance from Nick as a separation.


Nick opens the envelope containing a photograph of Charlie sleeping in his bed. In the photo, Charlie looked so peaceful, and the orange light coming from the streetlight made his face appear brighter. That's when he realized his feelings for him.


Nick and Charlie are inseparable, but when Nick decides to leave town, Charlie becomes anxious about the future of their relationship. They overcome the problems together and realize that love knows no boundaries.



Metonymy and Synecdoche

The term perfect couple refers to Nick and Charlie in the book.



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