Nettles Themes

Nettles Themes


The poem explores the theme of protection, as the speaker describes how he feels about his son's injury from the nettles. The father wants nothing more than to protect his son and prevent any further harm to him and he sets out to protect his son from further harm. This theme is reinforced by the imagery of the nettles, which are portrayed as a threat that needs to be defended against.

The effects of pain and suffering

The poem also deals with the theme of pain and suffering and how it effects people. The nettles cause physical pain to the speaker's son, and this pain is amplified by the father's empathy for his child. The father's anger and desire for revenge against the nettles show how deeply he feels his son's pain.


Despite the pain and suffering caused by the nettles to the young boy, the poem ultimately presents a theme of resilience. The nettles are portrayed as a temporary obstacle that can be overcome through the father's protective actions and through the boy's resilient attitude. The final lines of the poem suggest that the speaker's son will recover and be able to face future challenges with strength and resilience. In the end, the son will remember the nettles, but will remain resilient in spite of them.

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