Mortal Engines Imagery

Mortal Engines Imagery

Gulfs of Digestion Yards

The depiction of the "fiery gulfs of the Digestion Yards" shows the chaotic, industrial world in the narrative. The description of the "yellow dismantling machines crawling around [Salthook] on tracks and swinging above it on cranes and clambering over it on hydraulic spider-legs" underscores the mechanized nature of the process. Furthermore, amplified by the mention of the "circular saws as big as Ferris wheels [that] bit into the deck-plates, throwing up plumes of sparks," which creates an image of a scene of destruction and power. The phrase "blasts of heat" that "billow from furnaces and smelters" exudes the intense and dangerous atmosphere of the Digestion Yards. The imagery of the "sleek black bug" with the Guild's emblem painted on its engine cowling creates a sense of power and prestige, which is further accentuated by the presence of "Pewsey and Gench, the reformed air-pirates" who are the Head Historian's faithful servants.

Black Island

The narrative depicts Tom’s experience upon his arrival on Black Island. He describes a “knot of riders” that close about Hester and block his view of her. This scene displays the feeling of a tight, protective embrace that the islanders give Hester. Consequently, shows that islanders are caring and protective of Hester as if they are guardians of her safety. The narration continues with the description of Tom in a small stone house with a man in black robes and a big white turban. Hence, projects the feeling of security and safety, as if Tom is being cared for and looked after by the man in the robes. Moreover, the doctor’s children staring at Tom with “huge dark eyes” also express their wonder and awe as if Tom and his bravery fascinate them. Finally, the imagery of Tom in a soft bed with a blustery sky outside the window highlights comfort and peace. The patch of sunlight coming and going on the lime-washed wall indicate the hope that he will move on from his trauma.

Escaping Speedwell

The imagery of Tom and Hester trying to escape through a hole in the wall of Speedwell illustrate their struggle to gain their freedom. Tom is striving to make the hole bigger, laboring against splinters and sweat, while Hester sits silently watching. The phrase "by evening, as the sky outside, turned red and the racing townlet started to slow" reveals the setting sun and the slowing of the town, denoting the calming of the situation and the hope that Tom and Hester can make their escape. The juxtaposition of the "tall spines of rock" with the bustling trading cluster also adds to the imagery. Therefore, implies the danger of the rocky landscape and the overwhelming odds that Tom and Hester face in their attempt to escape. Overall, the imagery displays the desperation and determination as Tom and Hester attempt to break free of the oppressive confines of Speedwell.


The description of Katherine dressing up and preparing to meet the Lord Mayor is vivid. She puts on her "most businesslike clothes" - her "narrow black trousers and her grey coat with the shoulder-fins," ties her hair back with a clip made from the tail-lights of an ancient car, and puts color on her lips. She even paints a little blue triangle between her eyebrows, a mock Guild mark like the fashionable ladies wore. It expresses Katherine's willpower and ambition, as she wants to make a good impression on the Lord Mayor. Her appearance reflects her desire to make a good impression, as she wants to show that she is capable and knowledgeable. The depiction of the tail lights of an ancient car, in particular, evokes the nostalgia of the world before the coming of the Great Hunting Ground. This highlights Katherine's resourcefulness and ingenuity, as she repurposes an old object into something new and stylish.

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