Missing May Imagery

Missing May Imagery


Summer states, "One whirligig was meant to be a thunderstorm and it was so like one, black and gray, beautiful and frightening. Another was Ob’s idea of heaven, and I thought his angels just might come off that thing and fly around that house trailer any minute, so golden and light were they." She has been taken in by Aunt May and Uncle Ob who become her new guardians. In this particular scene, she is exploring her new surroundings and discovers Ob's unique whirligigs. This imagery evokes a vivid portrayal of the whirligigs and their significance in the story. Ob's whirligigs are depicted as intricate creations that go beyond the typical farm animals or cartoon characters. They are described as "The Mysteries" implying a deeper spiritual dimension to them. Thus, they represent the awe-inspiring aspect of life perhaps reflecting the complexity and unpredictability of the world.

Capitol Building

The protagonist asserts, "The capitol building sprawled gray concrete like a regal queen spreading out her petticoats, and its giant dome glittered pure gold in the morning sun." This imagery paints a vivid picture of the capitol building's grandeur and beauty. The comparison of the building to a regal queen suggests majesty and elegance. Moreover, the metaphorical depiction of the gray concrete indicates a sense of dignity. The context of the excerpt is a road trip to Charleston, West Virginia where the characters are excitedly approaching the capitol building. They are filled with a sense of anticipation and pride as they glimpse the building for the first time. The capitol represents a symbol of the state's importance and history. It contrasts with the stereotypes and misconceptions others may have about their region.

Cletus’ Day Out

The following imagery portrays Cletus's enthusiasm as he immerses himself in the experience of exploring the capitol building. Summer says, "Cletus seemed to need to touch everything. Even when we walked down the halls, he’d run his fingers lightly against the walls. We stopped at every lighted display window. We read the name on every door. We picked up every brochure. And Cletus smiled at each person we passed as if he knew everyone well." His desire to touch, observe, and interact with everything displays his sense of wonder and engagement. Through this imagery, Cletus is depicted as an eager participant who makes the most of the opportunity to absorb every detail. Furthermore, Cletus's friendly demeanor adds a sense of openness and warmth. This imagery emphasizes Cletus's ability to find joy in the present moment.

Modest Home

Cletus's house is portrayed as "tiny and brown, not much bigger than some people's garages." Uncle Ob and Summer have come to Cletus's house on a Saturday morning. The house is surrounded by pine trees and appears brittle and tight in the cold of February. Summer even expresses an urge to throw a blanket over it and warm its insides. This imagery conveys a sense of the house's smallness and vulnerability. It emphasizes the humble and modest nature of Cletus's living situation. Summer’s desire to warm the house's insides implies a compassionate wish to provide comfort and stability. Despite the challenges they may face, there is a sense of belonging and affection within the home.

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