Michael Field: Poetry Characters

Michael Field: Poetry Character List

Mortal men - “Beloved”

The mortal men end up in caskets after the termination of their existence. Michael Field holds that mortal men should not be petrified as long as they are ‘beloved.’

Girl - “Girl”

Michael Field portrays a girl as an enigmatic, easy-going, and passionate being. The portrayal renders a girl as primarily feminine.

Rooks - “Nest in Elms”

Field observes, “The rooks are cawing up and down the trees!Among their nests they caw.” The rooks’ cawing stimulates Field’s pleasure for it yields sweet, pleasurable melodies.

The speaker - “Power in Silence”

The speaker is in love with a girl: “Though I sing high, and chaunt above her,/Praising my girl,/It were not right/To reckon her the poorer lover.” The speaker is assertive about his affection for the girl. The assertiveness is embodied in the songs, chants and praises that the speaker asserts.

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