Marilyn Literary Elements

Marilyn Literary Elements


Non-fiction novel

Setting and Context

The novel is written in the context of immigrants' challenges.

Narrator and Point of View

First-person narrative

Tone and Mood

Intriguing, fascinating,

Protagonist and Antagonist

The main character is Marilyn Malinao

Major Conflict

The major conflict is when the narrator falls into an identity crisis. The authorities are suspicious of her Asian American passport, and this confuses her even more.


The climax of the story comes when Amanda Ngoho heals from an identity crisis and accepts her reality.


Semantic experiments by the narrator foreshadow her unending research about her Asian and American cultures.


The narrator's inspiration is understated because she not only on her ethno autobiography but incorporates poetry to pass her message to readers.


The book alludes to the narrator's personal life.


The images of appearance depict sight to readers. For narrator says, “In the Philippines, the first thing I notice is everyone looks like me.”


The major paradox is that the narrator does not believe in herself at first because of her skin color.



Metonymy and Synecdoche

The word ‘Mother’ is a metonym referring to inspiration which drives the narrator to pursue her interests and self-discovery.



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