Lovers on All Saint's Day Characters

Lovers on All Saint's Day Character List

The narrator

The narrator talks about his experiences in Brussels and the unforgettable events that he documented throughout his life. The narrator focuses on his experiences with romance, unfaithfulness, vengeance, and murder. For instance, in the story “At the Café de la République,” the narrator reunites with his lover, while in ‘The All Saints’ Day Lovers’ the narrator talks about betrayal in a loveless marriage.


Philippe is the central character in ‘Hiding Places.’ Philippe is Claire’s husband and son in-law to Gilbert. When the narrator arrives in Brussels for the first time, Philippe receives him.


Clare is the daughter of Monsieur Gilbert and wife to Philippe. Clare is on good terms with the narrator because she shares with him most of her husband’s secrets. Philippe is not amused with the relationship between his wife and the narrator because he suspects that something romantic is taking place between the two.

Monsieur Gilbert

Gilbert is Philippe’s father-in-law and Clare’s father. He is the owner of the Ardennes house where the narrator lives.

George Whitman

Whitman is the owner of the Waterstones bookshop. The narrator goes to the bookshop to search for his favorite books. Whiteman loves reading and he actualizes his hobby by setting up a bookshop to help people like the narrator who wish to expand their knowledge through reading.

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