Letters to a Young Doctor Glossary

Letters to a Young Doctor Glossary

Ignominy (Letter to a Young Surgeon I)

Embarrassing situation that makes an individual uncomfortable

Contemplative (Letter to a Young Surgeon I)

Reflecting on a particular situation before making a decicion

Burly (Letter to a Young Surgeon I)

A hefty built individual or mascular

Vocation (Letter to a Young Surgeon I)

A chosen career or profesion

Wallow (Letter to a Young Surgeon I)

Stumbling on something

Acquaintance (Letter to a Young Surgeon I)

Associating with something

Surmise (Letter to a Young Surgeon I)

Making a guess on a particular issue

Melancholy (Letter to a Young Surgeon I)

Down heartening

Altruistic (Letter to a Young Surgeon I)

Selfless practice or service

Disdain (Letter to a Young Surgeon I)

Disregarding something

Flinching (Letter to Young Surgeon III)

Shying away from a particular task

Icily (Letter to Young Surgeon III)

Acting in a cod-hearted manner

Delectation (Letter to Young Surgeon III)

Delightfulness or enjoyment

Quivers (Letter to Young Surgeon III)


Judicious (Letter to Young Surgeon III)

Careful thought

Protuberance (Letter to Young Surgeon III)


Questing (Letter to Young Surgeon III)

Pursuing in a particular direction

Plowing (Letter to Young Surgeon III)

Putting into

Sapling (Letter to Young Surgeon III

Sprouting up

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