Let Us Now Praise Famous Men Themes

Let Us Now Praise Famous Men Themes

Absolute poverty and social disorder

The journalists work to find out the truth of what life is like for the poorest of poor in Alabama. Both for sociological reasons, and for artist reasons, they hope to find meaning and beauty in the lives of the poor. They see that social convention has no authority when people's needs aren't met. When people don't have enough money, food, or protection to feel safe, they resort to doing whatever they possibly can. This leads to social disorder, but there is still at least one element of order to their human lives, the order of their willingness to do whatever it takes to survive.

Journalism versus spying

This brings us to everyone's next question: Did they know that they were being watched? The answer is very simply no, they did not know that journalists were following them and their families, spying on them round the clock, basically to write a book about how terrible their lives are, for rich people to read, for money. Needless to say, the book is morally heavy, and Agee talks openly about his insecurity with these decisions, and the moral dilemma he has to endure to get the work done. At the end, they settle their consciences by introducing themselves and telling the truth, but of course, that went over like a lead balloon. The people were not on board with the violation of their private suffering. At the same time, it's good journalism, so the reader must decide for himself or herself.

Human suffering and survival

The photographs and captions capture something that we often forget about our own human lives: that humans are animals that struggle for survival in nature. Without the social order of a thriving economy, the humans truly are reduced to their animal instincts. They do whatever they possibly can to meet their basic needs for food, water, shelter, and money. Without these things, the truth of nature is evident; they will die.

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