Le Bel Inconnu Themes

Le Bel Inconnu Themes

Actions Versus Reputations

One of the main themes of "unknown" is the constant battle between the importance of coming from good stock and thereby having a reputation for honor, and coming from a questionable lineage but proving oneself to be honorable through deeds and behavior. In this tale this theme is typified by "Fair Unknown" who neither knows and therefore never reveals the identity of his father, but who nonetheless knows that he is worthy of the honor of being made a knight. Unlike those who have a hereditary knighthood and are therefore bestowed the title without having to do anything to earn the respect of his peers, "Unknown" is required to prove his worth by performing well in a series of adventures. This is a theme that endures throughout the tale.

Talk Versus Action

There is always conflict between those who talk about holding up old or traditional ideals and those who actually act to uphold them. This is also a tension between those who believe that old traditions can only be upheld by keeping out those with no clear lineage and those who believe that their court will be strengthened by adding those with courage and the heart of a knight and not just the ancestry of one.

Folkloric Creatures

One of the themes of the tale is the existence of mythical or folkloric characters, particularly giants and faeries. The theme also requires that the reader wholeheartedly believes that these more magical characters exist alongside human characters. In this way, giants are both friend and foe, fairies are seductresses and a damsels are enchanted until released by the kids of a worthy and valiant stranger.

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