Kindertransport Imagery

Kindertransport Imagery

The Opening Scene

The narrator paints a vivid picture of a “dusty storage room, filled with crates, bags, boxes, and some old furniture,” where a young girl named Eva is sitting on the floor reading a book. The image of Eva dressed in clothes from the late thirties highlights the period in which the story is set. Through the conversation between Eva and her mother, Helga is trying to teach Eva how to take care of herself and be independent. This is emphasized by Helga’s insistence that Eva sews her coat’s buttons on her own even though the coat is too big for her. This imagery illustrates the difficult situation Eva is in as she is forced to learn skills and take on responsibilities. It serves to highlight the strained relationship between Eva and Helga.


Helga uses the Passover story to explain the importance of survival to Eva. The depiction of the four sons emphasizes the importance of wisdom in difficult situations hence giving her strength. The imagery of the garden being brought to England signifies Helga's desire to keep her family together and to bring her loved ones with her as she moves to a new country. The description of the Egyptians being led into the sea carries some uncertainty. Hence, it implies that Eva's future may not be as bright and hopeful as she would like. Finally, Eva's question "Will I get led like the Egyptians into the sea and drown forever" expresses her fear and anxiety about what may happen to her in the future.


Through Faith's reference, the Ratcatcher story is a representation of the danger that the Kindertransport children faced in leaving their homes and traveling to unknown places. The Ratcatcher is a sinister figure described as having "spiky nails and razor eyes" and luring children away with sweets. Lil's refusal to remember the story symbolizes her refusal to face the fear and uncertainty of their situation. The book itself, written in German, further stresses the foreignness of their new home and the language barrier they will have to face. The imagery creates a powerful emotional atmosphere that is both frightening and poignant.


The image of confections being offered to Eva indicates a contrast between the current abundance and what is to come. The description of Eva stuffing her pockets with the treats underscores her need to find happiness in the present. Moreover, the imagery of the "ship's horn" and "lapping of the waves" depicts Eva's impending journey and the uncertain future that awaits her. The description of "sea salt" on her lips further emphasizes the journey across the sea. Also, a penny being described as "big money" in comparison to Eva's native country highlights the vast differences between her home and the destination. Finally, the "drumless street" and the "tragic tale of the lost kinder" underscore the magnitude of the journey and the sacrifices that Eva and her fellow Kindertransport children are making.

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